Delivery time

Daily prints and express delivery.

Get an estimate of your delivery time, taking into account your location and date of order.

newspaper printer


Fast printing
90% of orders are shipped within 1 to 3 business days.


May 1, 2024


May 2, 2024

Delivery range
Between May 1, 2024 and May 9, 2024


The estimated delivery date corresponds to the probable date of receipt of your order.

The delivery range takes into account unforeseen events that may occur in very rare cases, especially in the event of production or delivery delays.

We always pick the fastest shipping available. You get an express delivery for every order you place.

Our team performs a quality control before shipping your newspapers. If a print defect is detected, a reprint is planned for the next day.

If you plan to print more than 1,000 copies, allow an additional business day.


Shipping cost is included, no additional charges will be applied.


Depending on the quantity, we send newspapers with:

  • Hard-backed envelopes for small quantities.
  • Boxes for small orders. 28 x 38 x 10cm box - 6kg or less.
  • Boxes for medium orders. 28 x 38 x 18cm box - 12kg or less.
  • Boxes for large orders. 28 x 38 x 30cm box - 20kg per box, multiple box.


You might ask us to rush your order.

When we rush an order, we're not able to postpone the print if there's a quality issue, like a missing jet or a light color overlap.

Rushing an order can come with a lower quality in some cases.

That's why we advise you to plan your prints with the simulator in order to get the best quality possible.


If your newspapers haven't arrived, check that:

  • You were not available during the delivery.
  • Address is incorrect or incomplete.
  • The adress is not a PO Box.

We invite you to contact the carrier, in order to schedule a new delivery.

Check your e-mails and phone to be aware of the status of your delivery.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any issues with the carrier.


The European Union and the United States are not subject to customs duties.

Customs duties or VAT may be applied depending on the country where you are having your newspapers delivered.

We cover these costs whenever possible.

In some cases, customs ask to be settled by the recipient, especially when shipping to the following countries:

Australia ■ Canada ■ Japan ■ Kazakhstan ■ Mexico ■ Singapore ■ Switzerland ■ Turkey ■ United Kingdom ■


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